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November Crazy time!! Starts NOW!

Posted by Shelley on 11th Nov 2017

Hey Everyone!  

I just wanted to give a quick heads up for the next couple weeks things get CRAZY busy for us here at Metal Designz.

We have 3 Large Christmas Craft Shows we will be attending - For the next three consecutive weekends, in two different Provinces (states) in Three different cities!!  Most of these Shows run Thursday - Sunday, which means we have ONE day off between shows. (To do Laundry, say Hi to our Children, and run out the door again!)

This means Shelley will not have much access to her email - from Nov 15th, to Nov 27.  We will be counting on our staff to do the work of all of us for these 2 weeks, so please be patient in there are some order delays. 
We also do NOT ask our staff to anodize, as it is dangerous.  I will be pulling off the Anodized Niobium/Titanium off the website today, so it does not cause order delays.

I'm asking for you all to give us a little patience in order time processing, as well as emails about where your package is... USPS tracking doesn't work until the package hits the USA border, and no matter how many times I post this... i get one or two emails and phone calls every single day. 

We will do our best to get your orders out ASAP every single day... and we really appreciate your business!

Thanks so much everyone!  To all of you in the same boat as we are - GOOD LUCK with your Christmas Craft Shows!!  Sell all the shinies, so you can make more!!

Where will we be?!?!

ART MARKET -- Calgary Telus Convention Center - Nov 16-19th -- This is a BEAUTIFUL show with amazing artists from across Canada.  Joseph will also have his booth - Chocolate Possibilities at this show!

MAKE IT - Edmonton - Northlands Convention Center - Nov 23-26th - WE ARE A NEW MAKIE this year!  This is the first time we have done this show and its the first time we have displayed our jewellery in Edmonton in a decade!  We are really excited to be here!

SUNDOG - Saskatoon -  Our home show!! Sundog is Celebrating it's 43th Year!  Come out for the Crafts, Entertainment, and food!! YUMMY!!  Joseph will also have his booth - Chocolate Possibilities at this show!